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Map of USA Geothermal Power Hotspots

Map of USA Geothermal Power Hotspots
Geothermal Energy Resources Map of USA

Saturday, August 23, 2008 invests in Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS)

Google has taken another step forward in offseeting its own carbon emissions and has shown corporate leadership in advocating American self-sufficiency in energy. Northern California already gets about 3,000 megawatts of geothermally generated electricity, and this number is likely to rise fivefold over the next decade.

Check out the map that shows the geothermal power potential of all the USA, plus the geothermal energy resources of each individual State! Great work, Googlites!!!

USA Geothermal Energy Resources Map shown above is from

A Googol of Heat Beneath Our Feet

The energy from the heat beneath the earth's surface is essentially an unlimited resource. What if it could be developed to help solve our energy challenges and fight global warming? Enhanced Geothermal Systems, or EGS, attempts to do just that. EGS produces heat and electricity by harnessing the energy from hot rock deep below the earth's surface, expanding the potential of traditional geothermal energy by orders of magnitude. EGS is a big challenge, but with the potential to power the world many times over, it demands our immediate attention. At Google we've launched an effort to advance EGS through R&D, investment, policy and information.

Google announces Enhanced Geothermal Systems, investments in geothermal power R&D

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